Yearly Archives: 2015

Following the recent requests and feedback from the HMCSim user community, we worked hard over the (balmy) Texas winter to bring quite a few new features to HMCSim.  We are now to the point where we are confident that the code and support is in an ALPHA state suitable for […]

HMC-Sim 2.0: Alpha Release

Thanks to everyone that came by the Emerging Technologies forum at SC15!  This was our first chance to expose a large audience to our ongoing research and development and it was a huge success!  We’re back to work already preparing the forthcoming papers and releases for the GC64 Dynamic Memory […]

SC15 Was a Success!

We have recently received a number of requests to port our HMC-Sim simulation framework forward to the HMC 2.0 specification.  We currently plan to port the code forward over the winter 2015-2016 break.  This should provide ample time to support the many changes to the specification.  We want to solicit […]

HMC-Sim 2.0: Call for Requirements

GoblinCore-64 was recently mentioned in an HPCWire article that featured the various projects associated with this year’s SC15 Emerging Technologies track. Four exhibits present future HPC-optimized SoCs. These include: advanced tools provided by the Co-Design for Exascale (CoDEx) project running on a cloud-based FPGA system (LBNL); GoblinCore-64: An Emerging, Open […]

GC64 Mentioned in HPCWire

The GoblinCore-64 project was officially accepted for the Supercomputing 2015 Emerging Technology track in Austin, Texas.  The GC64 team will present our latest advancements and architecture definitions in the Emerging Technologies forum and demo some GC64 hardware modules (live on FPGAs) in the Emerging Technology booth.  We may also be […]

GC64 Selected as Emerging Technology for SC15

Apologies for the clutter.  Given the recent departure of the Google code hosting service, we decided to perform a complete overhaul of the code hosting and web environment for GoblinCore.  As a result, we’re now hosting the GC64 code in a set of Git repositories hosted by the TTU DISCL […]

GC64 Website Redesign