SC15 Was a Success!


Thanks to everyone that came by the Emerging Technologies forum at SC15!  This was our first chance to expose a large audience to our ongoing research and development and it was a huge success!  We’re back to work already preparing the forthcoming papers and releases for the GC64 Dynamic Memory Coalescing (DMC) engine that we demo’d at the show.  We’re also hard at work upgrading our HMC-Sim infrastructure to the 2.0 spec and adding support for custom memory cube (CMC) experimentation mechanisms.  If you’re interested in more info or would like to collaborate with us on our various efforts, feel free to contact us!

If you were at the show and didn’t get a chance to snag a GC64 coaster, we plan to bring some to the RISC-V workshop in Redwood Shores in January.  Sadly, we’re all out of Yeti cups!